Hi, I'm Azaria, I am a Year 13 here at Kristin School, I was the Chair of the Council of Sustainability (CoS) in 2019 and 2020. I have been a member since the council was founded in 2018, and I feel very fortunate to have had this opportunity as I find it remarkable to be able to see the bigger picture of sustainability throughout Kristin and see real change being made. I am passionate about social sustainability, especially working towards reduced inequality. Also, I am currently a Deputy Head Prefect and have participated in other services programmes at the school.
Hello, my name is Angela, and I am currently a year 13 at Kristin school. I am incredibly grateful to have this opportunity to be part of the council of sustainability and make a difference. I have a deep passion for the environment and care about the wellbeing of it. I hope to develop my collaboration and leadership skills as well as give back to the wider community.
My name is Alizee and I am in Year 13. Personally I can’t imagine a future without the fauna and nature I have grown accustomed to and that is what initially drove me to join ad participate in sustainability. To investigate how profit and nature can work in a mutual partnership without hurting one another. It is only recently that humanity has realized that the planet has an expiration date and I think that this realization is a sad but powerful one. My main initiative is to educate in the hope of inspiring people to make a change and to realise that whilst there are negative aspects there is also so much positive that we should nurture and grow. Doing just a little every day can make a world of difference and hopefully, awareness will develop this and create a future that everyone is happy to be part of.
Hi, my name is Amy. I joined the Council of Sustainability in 2020, hoping to make aspects of our school more sustainable. I've been actively involved with Roots and Shoots club since Year 11, later founded The Upcyclers club in Year 12 to practice creativity as a solution for wastes and preloved items. Our project won a Creativity Conscience UK gold impact award, which further confirms the power in our actions as a community. As a member of CoS, I want more of our students' services to be seen and shared.
Hello! I’m Celeste and I’m currently from year 10. I joined the council this year as a new member. I feel very grateful to have this opportunity to make a difference in our community. I believe that the council can give me a good opportunity to not only recognise and listen to many people’s ideas, but also to make changes for the better. Growing up in Beijing, and seeing the pollution there, I believe it is our duty to protect the environment. Overall, I wish as a council we can guide Kristin students and our community for the best future.
Hello, my name is Chris, I am in Year 13 at Kristin School, and I joined the Council of Sustainability in 2020. I have dedicated lots of time to to sustainability centered service at school and in the community. I ran the Waste Team in 2019 and 2020, after going through the Auckland Council's Young Leader induction program. I look forward to a 2021 full of action and service, and I hope to make full use of my role in the Council of Sustainability to improve collaboration with other schools.
I am part of the 2020 graduating class at Kristin School and wish to pursue further education in the sciences, using this knowledge to help others in need. Being a member of the Council of Sustainability has given me the opportunity to work with students from Junior School all the way to Senior School, to promote and integrate sustainable living in Kristin and the wider community—giving back to the community through service.
With growing up and living in Hong Kong since I was born, I have seen the extent of plastic pollution in our oceans and on our beaches. I actively participated in beach clean-ups with Plastic Free Seas and Sea Shepherd and raised awareness through the last straw movement. The beaches in Hong Kong were so bad that I could no longer surf or swim in the sea for fear of mistaking a plastic bag for a jellyfish. The beaches were covered with medical waste and hypodermic needles. I have always been passionate about our environment and since moving to New Zealand 2 and a half years ago, I have volunteered my time with Sea Cleaners and did my Y6 PYP exhibition on marine pollution.
Hi, my name is David and I am currently a year 13 student here at Kristin. I feel very fortunate to be a member of the amazing CoS team and wish to use this opportunity to make the world a better place. I’m passionate to create change and enjoy finding innovative ways to do so. I believe that Integrating the 3 pillars of sustainability into our school, our community and our global society will be vital to resolving pressing issues like climate change, ultimately, changing society for the better.
I'm Joshua and I joined in 2018. I am the treasurer of the council. I have an interest and passion for the preservation of our environment and the promotion of sustainable living. For me, being a part of the sustainability council means giving back to the community and Kristin. I wish to make Kristin and the wider community a more sustainable place and do my part in making a change in the world to lead it towards a brighter future.
Hello my name is Matheo and I have been a part of this team since 2020. I was born in Germany where I stayed for 2 months, then I moved to France where I stayed for 7 years. I then moved to England for 4 years, and  then I moved to NZ where I have been living for 4 years now. I came to New Zealand for the difference in culture and nature, and i am really appreciative of the opportunity that this team has given me to help preserve the Nature and culture that I love.
Hi I'm Olivia and I am currently in Year 12 at Kristin. I feel very fortunate to be on the Council of Sustainability and I'm excited for the year ahead! I can't wait to implement new initiatives here at Kristin along with the other Council members to promote the importance of sustainability and teach students about ways in which they can be more sustainable in everyday life, so that we can all treat our Earth with the kindness and respect in which it so deserves.
Hi, my name is Ruby McQuaid and I’m a part of the graduating class of 2020 at Kristin School. I have been a part of the Council of Sustainability since it was founded in Term 2 2018. For me, I believe that this council has given me the opportunity to be able to meet new people, listen to their ideas, and work with students throughout all of Kristin. We as a council are able to give back to our community through promoting living a more sustainable life.
Hello! I'm Sean and currently I'm in Year 13 and have joined the Council in 2021. I feel very fortunate to be a member of CoS and would love to make my impact in the community. I see the Council as an accurate representation for the School's environmental and social ideas and feel fortunate to be part of it. I believe that every person can make a difference in the world and help to make our planet more liveable. Overall, I look forward to improving my leadership skills and making a difference in the community by leading Kristin students to better impact our community.
Hi, my name is Sophie Holden, I am in Year 10. I have been a part of the Council of Sustainability since its founding in Term 2 of 2018. I care deeply about our world and how we treat it. I have learnt so much about being a well-rounded person from being in this group.
Hi! I’m Sophie from Year 12, I’ve been a member of the Council of Sustainability since its founding in 2018. I joined the Council because I wanted to make a bigger difference to both the school and the wider community, especially related to my passion for the environment. Being in the Council allowed me to develop my leadership skills and given me the opportunity to collaborate with others and make changes for the better.
My name is Victoria and I am in Year 12. Sustainability means many different things to me, such as the preservation of the wonderful aspects of Earth that make life more beautiful and interesting, so future generations are able to appreciate and enjoy these too. To me, it also means not using up resources faster than we can produce them. I believe that in order for the planet to take care of us we must take care of it, to maintain a healthy equilibrium. My role within the council is Junior School liaison, so I work closely with the Junior School students to help drive projects within the Junior School and also help their voice be heard within the Council itself. I encourage you all to find what sustainability means to you and take action, as it is with your passion and your drive that we can work together towards a better future.
Hello, my name is Milly Lendich and I am a year 9 student representing the Council of Sustainability. I recently joined the Council to strengthen my passion for sustainability and the desire to help people in particular! During my primary years, my love of sustainable development began and I wanted to share my service wherever needed. Working along side leadership teams, environmental clubs and cultural supportive groups around Kristin and through wider communities only taught me more about my passion! I was incredibly grateful when I joined CoS and will make the most of my time working along side the team!
Hi, my name is Lucy Bolger. I am currently in year 13 and I am a member of the Council of Sustainability. I joined the Council term 2, 2019 and I am extremely appreciative to have the opportunity to make a difference. I care deeply about the environment and I believe it is our job to undo the damage that previous generations have done.
My name is Caitlin Sly and I am in Year 13. I joined the Council of Sustainability because I am deeply passionate about the environmental movement. It is my belief that while individual actions are incredibly important, together as a team, the CoS will be able to inspire positive change which will have a significant impact and have spillover effects on the wider Kristin community.