Kristin Energy Monitors: reducing energy waste

May 19, 2024

The Energy Monitors group began as a sub-committee of the Roots and Shoots club, whilst the school was working towards achieving the Gold Enviro School award. The founding students had noticed that classrooms around our school were often left with all power sources still on, especially during breaks or when unoccupied after classes. Later this grew into a sustainable group that focused on minimising all energy usage throughout the school. 

Working behind the scenes, Energy Monitors conduct regular audits of frequently used classrooms. Identifying any unnecessary usage of lights, air conditioning and projectors. Then this data is analysed and any classes showing high energy usages are informed about the environmental impacts, and encourage them to adopt more sustainable practices. These monitors spread awareness about energy wastage and teach everyone habits of reducing relevant waste within our school. 

Since the group began, there has been a significant decrease in power consumption across the monitored classes. This shows how seemingly small and simple tasks, such as turning off appliances when leaving a room, can have noticeable and meaningful impacts on the planet and reducing carbon footprints. 

Today, with Zoe Cleland continuing to lead this team in making an impact for our efforts against energy wastage, you too can make a difference. By choosing to adopt healthy habits with actions as simple as turning off lights and appliances when not in use, we can collectively make a significant positive impact on the environment and our community.