Kristin's Service Market

September 23, 2023

On Thursday 21st September at lunchtime, Kristin had its annual service market, where numerous groups came together to sell food, organise activities, and showcase cultural performances. The stalls organised include SADD, Amnesty, UNESCO, UNICEF, CoS, and many more.

As many stalls were selling food products, there would be large amounts of waste. To ensure that the rubbish would end up in its correct bin, the Roots and Shoots team monitored the bins, guiding students to place their waste in the correct bins, and think before carelessly opening the wrong one. Additionally, they held an event, where every 10th person who correctly uses the compost bin wins a cookie. This was a success, as from observations alone, there was a significant improvement of bin usage.

Moreover, the Council of Sustainability worked with a few selected stalls to trial the CRS scheme, where if customers returned their plates and cups back to the stall they bought it from, they would receive 50c back. Then, the stall organisers would be able to ensure that the rubbish would end up in the correct bins. Many people followed through with this, making this also a success.